Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Look Up

"I press toward the upward call of God,reaching forward to the things ahead."This verse speaks of effort,sadly it is what is missing in alot of people's lives.Remember it's an UPWARD CALL.Destiny is a pre-determined course of action.So there are barriers to your destiny.Things like REGRET.
Regret looks back.Always asking "why","i wish."Regret says"Quit."What about WORRY?It will make you sick.Fear will enter in and rule your life.So regret looks back and worry looks around but vision looks up.Vision keeps you focused.So this week determine that you will not live with regrets,and that worry will not consume you.This week determine to live by vision,that's where your destiny is found.
Yours for revival
Pastor Francis

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We can all relate to being hungry.It's a desire even a craving for food.It seems that's all you can think about.I have a hungry today but not for food i hunger for a new normal in the church and in my life.The bible say's the Kingdom of heaven is at hand,right now,not someday,somewhere.Yet it seems we have trouble having faith for something we cannot see.Yet it is here but we have to be hungry for it.Hunger is the currency of the Kingdom.In our world the blind are blind,but in Jesus world the blind see.In this world the deaf need hearing aids,but in Jesus world the deaf hear.You get the idea.Boy i am hungry for that world and we can have it, i trust you are hungry to.
Yours for revival
Pastor Francis

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Sanctuary of Praise

When we think of desert place's we think of dry,lonely places.The dictionary says"its an environment hostile to life".Yet in the bible it functions as a place of revelation and a training ground for faith and obedience.The desert was a place of refuge for Moses as he got his life in order.David wrote many psalms in the desert.Elijah spent most of his life there.John the Baptist was trained there.Jesus made his final preparation there before his public ministry began.In every season,God is my victory.Your victory is not your victory.God is your victory.The desert is about realizing who he is.It is there that you really begin to understand praise.So know matter where you are at or what you are going through if you will turn your desert into a sanctuary of praise you will be empowered to come out in victory.
Yours for revival
Pastor francis Armstrong

Friday, May 7, 2010

Remnant People Praise The Lord

In Daniel chapter 10 Daniel was praying and his prayer was being hindered.It was a spirit of prevention to interfere or prevent those things God promised from coming to pass.The enemy wants to disrupt and overturn God's promise of a supernatural breakthrough.But Remnant people know that praise wins the battle.Don't hold back and save your praise for the victory celebration,instead declare the HIGH PRAISES of GOD the whole time you're in the war.So negative talk does not change a situation,it adds to it,actually it reinforces it.But praise takes its authority and creates change.So let me encourage you to be an agent of change through your praise.