Thursday, August 4, 2011

You Need a Revival

Have you ever had one of those times that you know you need something but you are not sure what it is! Let me help you, if you are a Christian, you need a revival. The old timers used to call revivals Epochs. An epoch is a fixed point of time established in history by the occurrence of some grand or remarkable event. It even sounds exciting. Do you know why? That’s what we need. Here’s the problem, all through history revival has followed a path, a path of prayer, self-denial, holiness and purity. What does the church struggle with the most? Prayer, self-denial, holiness and purity. Did you notice prayer was first? Could it be if we really started praying again we would see self-denial come back to our lives and holiness and purity? So your Epoch must start with prayer, let’s start there.

Yours for revival

Pastor Francis