Tuesday, July 20, 2010


If you’re like me, when you were young you had no worries and very few fears.

I remember going fishing when I wanted or hunting with my brother or out for a skidoo ride, etc. At the end of every day my belly was full. I had a bed, clothes, and friends. I never really worried about anything.

In reality our young lives are lived by faith, knowing SOMEBODY was taking care of our needs.

Then a strange thing happened. I became an adult and new emotions started to creep up like worry and fear and the “what ifs” of life.

Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me … for of such is the kingdom of God"
. He went on to say, “Unless you become like one of these you won’t see the kingdom.”

Now did Jesus mean become immature or suck our thumb, etc.?
No. He was talking about FAITH. We serve a God Who loves us and has a plan for us and will take care of us. So let’s back away from worry, doubt and fear and run around again with childlike faith.

Yours for revival,

Pastor Francis Armstrong

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Yesterday Edith and I went for ice cream with three of our grandchildren. When they saw each other they were excited, I could tell by the giggles. When we got inside Dairy Queen they played and more giggles. When they got their ice cream they made a beard on their face out of it – more giggles. I watched them not care who heard them, they were not even aware others were there.

I could not help but think that Jesus would have sat with them and of course giggled – but He said we all needed to become like children.

So let’s stop being so serious and grumpy and giggle every now and then. Who knows – you may like it. To me that’s the heart of revival – becoming childlike in our faith.

Yours for revival,

Pastor Francis Armstrong

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Reward of Serving God

There are benefit packages for almost every job in the world, but they all pale in comparison to the benefits for working for the Lord.

Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that we need FAITH to please God, but He rewards those who diligently seek Him.

God loves rewarding His people. He said if we acknowledge Christ before others we will be rewarded.
Good deeds will be rewarded, love for others will be rewarded, etc.

What are these rewards?

Some are the promised inheritance, a richer experience of life and much more.

My point is this – iT IS A JOY to serve the Lord. And on those days that it just seems hard and life seems unfair, one day we will see the reward, so enjoy serving Him today!

Yours for revival,

Pastor Francis Armstrong