If you’re like me, when you were young you had no worries and very few fears.
I remember going fishing when I wanted or hunting with my brother or out for a skidoo ride, etc. At the end of every day my belly was full. I had a bed, clothes, and friends. I never really worried about anything.
In reality our young lives are lived by faith, knowing SOMEBODY was taking care of our needs.
Then a strange thing happened. I became an adult and new emotions started to creep up like worry and fear and the “what ifs” of life.
Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me … for of such is the kingdom of God"
. He went on to say, “Unless you become like one of these you won’t see the kingdom.”
Now did Jesus mean become immature or suck our thumb, etc.?
No. He was talking about FAITH. We serve a God Who loves us and has a plan for us and will take care of us. So let’s back away from worry, doubt and fear and run around again with childlike faith.
Yours for revival,
Pastor Francis Armstrong
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