Heb. 10:38
Now the just shall live by faith;
But if anyone draws back,
My soul has no pleasure in him.”
We live in a society that lives for the moment.
Lives for the Now.
A great love for the temporal things of the world.
Even one of Paul’s hand picked protégé’s was like this.
2 Tim. 4:10 “Demas, having loved this present age has deserted me”.
See! He loved this “PRESENT” age, for the now. But for the Christian, we walk by faith not what we see NOW!
Listen to what Paul wrote to Timothy. He spoke of those who “denied the faith” or “suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith.”
“Wandered away from the faith”. Those who “fall away from faith.”
Four times we are instructed to live by faith. It’s the way to the Higher Law of blessing and if we don’t apply it we will go right back to living in the LOWER LAW!
The “JUST”. You and I are the just if you have come out of darkness and into the LIGHT!
So we should LIVE different than the world. Yet Christians don’t know how to LIVE.
We are to do everything by faith. From birth through childhood, teens until adult we are trained to learn how to LIVE in society.
If you’re sick you go to a doctor. Do you think it’s important that he be trained? Or a lawyer? A house contractor?
So why do Christians think we don’t need to be trained?
We get saved and want to lead a major ministry the next day.
We need to be trained how to LIVE by faith so we don’t wander from it like Damas.
Faith’s power to change your circumstances is not going to operate in your life until you decide you are going to live by faith.
And to do that you need to be a student of His Word. Then you begin to see that FAITH is a NOW thing. FAITH is NOW, present tense.
Heb. 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Yours for revival,
Pastor Francis Armstrong
What I'm Reading:
What I'm Listening To:
Heal Our Land - Planetshakers
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