Exodus 14:24-25
24 Now it came to pass, in the morning watch, that the Lord looked down upon the army of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud, and He troubled the army of the Egyptians.
25 And He took off their chariot wheels, so that they drove them with difficulty; and the Egyptians said, “Let us flee from the face of Israel, for the Lord fights for them against the Egyptians.”
The breaking of a new day is called twilight.
The sun going down at the end of a day is also called twilight.
Change is upon us. Twilight is breaking in the life of the church in this season.
We are moving from our NORMAL mentality of church on Sunday to unlocking God’s plan in the earth. The Kingdom of God is within us but must be unlocked.
We, as the church, are called to accomplish something; we are called out for a purpose.
The church is moving FROM just a group who fellowship TO becoming a victorious war instrument in the earth realm. We are building. We are learning to BIND and LOOSE.
We are seeing what God has stored in heavenly places for this season and calling it from heaven to earth. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.
We are starting to look up to heaven and seeing the IT that the Lord wants us to agree with and declaring IT will manifest in the earth.
We are moving from “CONFUSED NOISE” to becoming a “SURE SOUND” in the earth. Worship is changing. Sound produces change.
Judah is leading us into NEW PLACES. Sound creates movement.
The wind in the mulberry trees is blowing.
Hear the wind and go with the flow.
As the twilight breaks, the wineskin of the church is changing.
Let’s look at Gen. 32:24
Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day.
This confrontation would be Jacob’s salvation. The best way to describe the breaking of a new day or twilight is “WE WRESTLE”.
The breaking of a new day (twilight) always entails a changing of one nature into another.
To wrestle is to CONTEND in a struggle. It produces a breakthrough into NEW TRUTH and strength within us.
The breaking of a new day (twilight) is really “the eyelids of the morning to open over our life.”
Moving toward the light through a visitation of the Lord that breaks us through to our future.
Jacob finally has his last crossing over. A NEW DAY BREAKS (TWILIGHT).
If you are willing to wrestle through the night, you must also learn to watch for the day.
Twilight means to be in a place of transition, that’s where Jacob was.
There is also a transition taking place in many of you, it’s really a changing of the wineskin.
The new wine is God pouring into you the power, understanding and wisdom for breakthrough.
Yours for revival,
Pastor Francis Armstrong
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