Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 – The Year Of The Open Door

Matthew 8:18
And when Jesus saw great multitudes about Him, He gave a command to depart to the other side.

In the Hebrew calendar it’s the year 5774 – Ayin Dalet, meaning open door/portal/opportunity/entrance.

Ayin means – eye, see, perceive, reveal
Dalet means – house, tent, a flapping door, ear

Dalet in Hebrew, looks like a doorknob.

It is also the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  The bent shape of dalet also symbolizes a needy person who is bent over the Word to hear.

Ayin as said means “eye, see”.  So in 2014 you will have a choice to see things – optimism or pessimism.

I’m telling you, if you get this 2014 will be like days of heaven on earth.

Deuteronomy 11:18-20
18 “Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.

19 You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.

20 And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates,

So in 2014 you must engage the Word differently than you have in the past.

The Word is the open door of the Son.
You must not just hear and never do.

Things failed in 2013 because you heard but never did.

God is saying in 2014 ENGAGE HIS WORD.
If you do you will see heaven on earth in 2014.

So in 2014 engage the Word over your family, business, and church.
So sow the Word in 2014 and you will see doors open.

Out of that open door will flow miracles.  As you speak the Word and step through the open door you will see every barrier and limitation break as FAVOR rests on you.

Open doors will lead to open revelation and open understanding.

Yes, storms will come but you must BUILD on that which has stood the test of time.

You must be like that needy person bent over the Word to hear what the Spirit is saying, then DO IT!

Yours for revival,
Pastor Francis Armstrong

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, I am much blessed by this saying, i was feeling during reading this post that it is a saying for me.
    God Bless TDWC and Pastor Francis.
