Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Addicted to the Flame

This week we will hold our “Addicted to the Flame” conference.

I believe it will be life changing for all of us. I long for and hunger for a move of the Spirit where men and women, boys and girls truly fall in love with Jesus. I can’t wait to let you know how it went. Who knows? Maybe we will still be meeting!

There is a growing hunger here at Third Day for more. Things are about to TURN. Are you ready for it? Believe with us that this is a turn-around time for many. God’s presence is so powerful! If you are in the area come join us.

A new Pentecost is coming. Maybe this weekend! Fire begets fire and awesome times await those who want to draw near Him.

Yours for revival,
Pastor Francis Armstrong

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kansas City Revival

I have just returned from World Revival Church in Kansas City with Pastors Steve & Cathy Gray. What a great church! They have been in revival since 1996. This is a revival for the church. I saw so much hunger, passion and love from ordinary people. God just seems so big there, they magnify the Lord together.

Some will ask, “So what did you think?” And I will answer, “We are right on track!” I so believe God is exploding and will continue to explode over Canada. His glory will be seen. You and I were meant for revival, so let’s go for it with ALL of our hearts.

Yours for revival,

Pastor Francis

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

To The Reformer

The Reformation was a time of great upheaval, but also a time of great opportunity. God was raising people up to know Him in a way that was not possible before. People like William Tyndale who had a burning desire to see Scripture in the hands of lay people. This pursuit cost him his life in 1535.

Another reformer was John Calvin in hot pursuit of God. He moved to Geneva to set up a Christian-led government. He died at 55 years.

These men were addicted to the flame of God and gave all they had to see others set ablaze.

I believe there are young reformers among us again. Maybe one of you reading this. If so RUN with the cause set before you and RUN WELL.

Yours for revival,

Pastor Francis

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Is There Evidence?

I will never forget the day I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It changed my life forever. I remember services charged with the presence of God, people getting saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. Powerful and life changing!

Yet today if some Pentecostals were arrested for being Pentecostal they would be found NOT GUILTY because there would be no evidence. If we say we are something, there ought to be proof beyond tongues. The baptism is for power to be a witness. Come on, let’s get baptized again! Fresh, real power from heaven!

Your’s for revival,