Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A New Sound For A New Day

Acts 2:2
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.

Every move of God that has ever hit this planet carried a SOUND with it.

Today is a NEW SEASON and therefore it demands the release of a NEW SOUND!

The Welsh revival saw over 300,000 souls saved.  Moriah Chapel packed with songbooks from spontaneous songs sung at the revival as a new sound was released.

The Moravians started a prayer meeting in Herrnhut, Germany that lasted 120 years.

It was a new sound.  With a new sound comes a new season with revival and the power of God.

I have often wondered what the sound must have sounded like.

Could it be, come July, God is about to unleash a new sound again?

Listen to Acts 2:6
And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language.

It was this SOUND that captivated a lost generation and called them into beholding this new frequency from heaven.

I believe we are in another season with a new sound where DEEP is calling to DEEP.

It is the shout of a generation’s Praise rising from the depths of our beings to give glory, honor and praise to God.

It’s a sound that is calling those things that do not exist as though they did.

It’s a sound that is louder and stronger than the pessimistic and negative noise of this age.

It’s a sound to the barrenness of men’s souls.  Church, this is our season to sing over the barrenness of the land and watch it come to life.

Yours for revival,
Pastor Francis Armstrong

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


It does NOT take a prophet or a prophetic word to see that the North American church is struggling to maintain a vibrant spiritual life while being salt and light to a world in darkness.

There is plenty of reason to be discouraged with sliding morals, demonic laws and humanism celebrated.

Now, knowing what we are up against, let me say that the Kingdom of God WILLNOT BE STOPPED.

Despite what I just shared, HE IS WINNING.  So what is HIS strategy for change?

How will we turn this thing around?  How do we fulfill what Jesus said about us?

You are the light of the world.  One word.  HOPE.

Hope is what we need.

Hope in a heaven that has NEVER lost a battle but only knows breakthroughs and coming breakthroughs.

Hope that when Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against His church, He really meant it.  So what is missing?

It’s His GLORY.  We, His church, gazing at glory and being transformed into glory.

Church we need to start to dream again.  We need to see the possibilities and NOT be consumed with the limitation, temporary setbacks and difficult circumstances.


So what needs to change?  EVERYTHING.  We have settled for too little.

We give the Lord a short, sweet Sunday morning as the reward for His suffering.

Radical has been defined as loud.  Devotion is a loose set of do’s and do not’s.

Oh but there is HOPE.  The bride will and is waking, she will rise up and she will walk in her fullness because there is a remnant.

The lost can be found, the hardest heart can soften, the most addicted can experience freedom and our nation can turn back to God.

We must live in HOPE, we must live in breakthrough.

Anything else cheapens the victory of the cross.

Yours for revival,
Pastor Francis Armstrong

What I'm Listening to:
Kingdoms - Sean Feucht

What I'm Reading
Let It Go - T.D. Jakes