Tuesday, November 30, 2010


As we get ready to close out 2010 and enter 2011 some may say, “Praise the Lord! What a terrible year. Can’t wait till it’s over.”, etc. The question I have is, “Whoever said that Divine order would be easy?” It’s like God dropped a plumb line and said, “Now line up.”

So I am thankful for this year. Yes I felt like quitting, weekly sometimes. Yes, it would be easy to run but to where, and when do you stop?

So embrace this year and thank God for it. I bet you grew more than you realize. I would say more things are in order now in your life than early in the year.

So I can’t wait for 2011!

Yours for revival,
Pastor Francis Armstrong

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Fellowship’s a word Christians use for almost everything. Eating – fellowship, walking with someone – fellowship; Tim Horton’s for coffee – fellowship…

A recent look at this word told me we really don’t know a lot about this word.

Acts 2:42 gives us a clue that the early church knew something about it because they were devoted to it.

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

In the Greek (you say “in the Greek” to sound smart) the word for fellowship is Koinonia. It means community, intimate. No wonder we don’t know much about it – very few of us do it biblically.

In a world of me, myself and I – a world of separation, divorce, etc., what do we really know about community or intimacy? Imagine what could happen in churches if we became devoted to fellowship. The Book of Acts tells us the result (of Koinonia) was people being added to the Church daily. Do you know why? We all need and want fellowship, so let’s work at being devoted to it!

Yours for revival,
Pastor Francis Armstrong